Friday, September 7, 2012

before and after...

and this is what one old nasty ripped but free stool, and a doller tree rug have in common...



ta-da!!!! i like it 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

an un inspired thursday..

today i am feeling lazy at its finest. my house that was completely clean just a couple of days ago, has managed to find its way back. i am feeling so uninspired, and it seems my list of complaint is much longer than my list of contentment. it's days like this that i dread..i usually try to keep a glass half full perspective but ever so often days like this creep in and i am not a fan of them. but still i manage to let them take over. i suppose it is because it is so terribly easy to have a bad attitude and negativity can sometimes be a temporary high. but hopefully before this day is over i will be able to shake this not so good attitude and remember all the little things that make me love my life. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

we are home...

we just got back from a short little vacay to the river/san antonio with my family. we had a wonderful time filled with good food (tanks mom), good company, river floating, shopping, sunburns (justin and dad are bad boys) and a much to close encounter with a snake. it was nice to take a break before our crazy school and work schedules bombard our lives. i am especially trying to enjoy that little lady in the picture above before she moves off to college :( we will miss her soo.

Monday, August 6, 2012

yes i am blessed..

tonight i am realizing just how blessed i am. yesterday mom,dad,my sister and i made a quick trip to help my cousin set up her classroom before school starts. sitting there in the car, mom in the backseat with me dad and sealie in the front i couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love for them. these people are my village, the ones that have been here from my very beginning. these are the people that know all the different layers of me. these people have seen sides of me no one else has. why am i so lucky to have such cool, awesome, rockstar people in my life?

these people are MY people and i will love them with every fiber and cell in my body. i will love them love them deeply and madly until time bids us adieu.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

10 things that make me happy...

1. Actually keeping the plants alive on the front porch..apparently my green thumb has like 11 lives.
2. Spending the day shopping with my mom sis and cousin.
3. Fresh flowers on my table.
4. No dishes in the sink to clean!
5. Fresh air and a cool breeze.
6. The fall decor being put out...If it were allowed I would pitch a tent and live on the fall isle at Hobby Lobby.
7. Making the bed..really I mean it.
8. When the husband stops and buys me my favorite brand of almonds without me even asking!
9. Old vintage mirrors.
10. Tessie kisses when I have been away all day.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

some lyrics...

''There's a stirring deep within me could it be my time has come? When i'll see my gracious savior face to face when all is done. Is that His voice I am hearing? Come away my precious one. Is he calling me? Is he calling me? I will rise up, rise up and bow down and lay my crown at his wounded feet There's a stirring deep within me
could it be my time has come?'' We sing this song at church quite a bit, but the first time I remember hearing this song was at a friends funeral when I was eight. These lyrics have stuck with me since. At eight the words didn't carry as much meaning as they do now and boy do they ever carry meaning now. So many people are afraid to die, and I wouldn't be real if I told you I have never felt that fear. I heard a sermon not to long ago about how even some Christians won't get to heaven, and with that I am reminded at the fear behind those words. Death is part of life it will happen no matter what and it is up to us to fully study and learn God's word, to FOLLOW it and BE READY!  Even in a world where sometimes the other direction seems better or more logical(or whatever the case is). As a Christian it is my job to serve others and teach those who don't know. This is such a big responsibility and I often take it too lightly, I will become better at this.  I am not perfect but I can try to be as close as I can be. I fall short far to often. If you could please pray that I will step up as a Christian and do my job. Please pray that I have courage, and that the right words will be given to me. Please pray that I too will be open and willing to listen. Thank you friends. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

someone needs attention...

This little someone is the reason I can never seem to get anything done around here. She likes to sit on my chest and lay her head on my face and I would be lying if I said that I didn't like it because I do. She is just way to cute to resist, that little attention getter. 
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